I'm here to share with you some EXCITING products OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) came out with for this Fall. Right when I got these in the mail over a week ago, I IMMEDIATELY started swatching. Yes, I was THAT excited! Actually, I'm excited with everything this company comes out with to be quite honest (I'm pretty sure you all already knew that haha). I whipped out my dslr, and went swatch crazy! The fall line released on September 10th (to coincide with New York's Fashion Night Out).
A little background on the inspiration for this collection: "NYC-based Makeup Artist and OCC Director of Product Development Katie Pellegrino looked to the darker side of nightlife and the prowlers who reign in the hours before dawn, with a selection of reds and neutrals designed to attract attention. The stigma of wearing a red lip is removed and instead becomes a badge of honor for those who own their look."
**You can click the pictures to enlarge.**
LIP TAR: $12.50 USD
TROLLOP: Vivid cranberry pink
HARLOT: Fiery coral red
STALKER: Intense blue-based red
STRUTTER: Plush mahogany red
STRUMPET: Deep plum-toned red
TRICK: Creme beige neutral
TWIRL: Pale, pearlescent peach
DOPE: True bronze
SMOTE: Frosted taupe with plum undertones
SATURATE: Aqua with gold & teal reflections
SLAG: Deep gold with green reflections
OBSCURE: White frost with teal/green reflections
TWIRL: Pale, pearlescent peach
DOPE: True bronze
SMOTE: Frosted taupe with plum undertones
SATURATE: Aqua with gold & teal reflections
SLAG: Deep gold with green reflections
OBSCURE: White frost with teal/green reflections

TRICK: Pale, pinked beige. A match for Trick Lip Tar.
TWIRL: Golden, pearlescent peach. A match for Twirl Loose Colour.
STRUMPET: Deep, plum-toned red. A match for Strumpet Lip Tar.
VINTAGE: A deep merlot. A match for Vintage Lip Tar.
SOUSE: Dark lavender with gold shimmer.
SOMETHING: A pale and discreet bridal blue.

LIP TAR: Trick - Who doesn't love an awesome nude lip?! I'll definitely be using this when I want my eyes to catch all the attention. Trollop is so fun & flirty-- I am a BIG fan of corals!! I'll be using this for my lips & my cheeks! Harlot. Oh. Em. Gee. This one caught my eye first. It's so intense and bright-- I'm certain that when you would put this on, someone's going to compliment you! Gorgeous, gorgeous color!LOOSE COLOUR: I LOVED the Twirl loose colour as SOON as I swatched it. It has a duo-chrome effect to it, its reflects kind of remind me of Rubenesque paint pot, but 1000x better (you neutral fans would love this color!). The camera does NOT capture how pretty this color is. Obscure is also nice, it kind of reminds me of Sugarpill's Lumi-- which I LOVE.
NAIL LACQUER: Vintage completely reminds me of Fall. This will be a color I will be using a lot this season. I am a big fan of the nude nail look, so Trick is on the top of the list as well. OCC's Hush nail lacquer is another nude favorite of mine. I think I'll be using Strumpet on those days I'm feeling girly. I don't wear light blues too much on the nails, but I love that they named named the light blue one "Something"!
QUESTION: Would you like pictures of me actually wearing the different lip tars? I know when I decided on which lip products to buy, I like to see what it looks like on the lips as well. Let me know if this is something you would like to see in the future! I can go ahead and try to do actual lip swatches with these lip tars if you guys want!
These products were sent for consideration. I hope you guys know I will ONLY share products/lines that I REALLY believe in. OCC is DEFINITELY one of them. Check out the 2010 Colour Collection at http://www.occmakeup.com
xox, suzy.
These products were sent for consideration. I hope you guys know I will ONLY share products/lines that I REALLY believe in. OCC is DEFINITELY one of them. Check out the 2010 Colour Collection at http://www.occmakeup.com
xox, suzy.