Hi guys! How are you all doing on this fantabulous Tuesday? Just felt like writing an entry b/c it seems like whenever I write in here, it's usually just the pictures/videos for a tutorial lol.
So who else is really annoyed with YouTube lately? Well for me, I've been annoyed for awhile-- I swear they were singling me out with the lack of the HQ option... then a few weeks later it started happening to a lot more of my friends. Then today/last night some YouTubers' videos haven't been showing up on the main page under subscriptions, but when you press 'view all' you can. EHHH, YouTube better get their act together b/c I'm not posting until it stops acting stupid lol.
So as you all know my last tut was a mermaid one... I actually was going to use it for RenRen's makeup contest (HEY GIRL! =D), but when I looked at the all the entries she had I was like holy crap! I believe there's over 50 now lol.. so I didn't mention it in the video. She told me I should enter-- so I think I will submit it...... I think. lol.
Do you guys ever hestitate or change your mind about entering a contest because of all the entries already in? Maybe next time I should just do an entry early so I won't change my mind later.
Anyway-- there's not really any point to this entry... Later I'm going to Sephora to exchange the MUFE HD foundation I bought... I think I'm going to get Smashbox's Halo powder intsead. I'm excited to try it out.
Also, thanks to everyone who commented my other post with suggestions for upcoming videos! I really appreciate it. I really wish blogspot would have it where you can reply to individual comments & have them notified w/o getting sent everyone else's comment too. So annoying.
OKAY, gonna go now.. talk to you guys soon! <3
xoxo / suzy
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tutorial: Mermaid Inspired Look
So I've been in a real funk lately... I haven't been inspired to make up any new looks... and not to mention the fact that I was really lazy lol... BUTTTTTTTT someone requested a mermaid look, and for some reason that stuck with me, so here we are!
YES, it's another look with Make Up For Ever's #92 purple eyeshadow. I can't help using it! lol
Hope you guys like it!
PS. Using a white base looks great under this too... so would green. =)
So I've been in a real funk lately... I haven't been inspired to make up any new looks... and not to mention the fact that I was really lazy lol... BUTTTTTTTT someone requested a mermaid look, and for some reason that stuck with me, so here we are!
YES, it's another look with Make Up For Ever's #92 purple eyeshadow. I can't help using it! lol
Hope you guys like it!
PS. Using a white base looks great under this too... so would green. =)
Don't forget to Rate & Comment please! ;D Onto the pictures....

MAC Blue Peep fluidline
Kryolan Emerald eye dust
BFTE Grape mineral shadow
MUFE #92 e/s
BFTE Rome mineral shadow
MAC White Frost e/s
MAC Minted eye kohl
BFTE Whisper mineral shadow
MAC Mystery eye kohl
MAC Penutimate liquid liner
Bliss #600 eyelashes
MAC Not So Innocent lipstick
MAC Viva Glam VI Special Edition lipglass

MAC Blue Peep fluidline
Kryolan Emerald eye dust
BFTE Grape mineral shadow
MUFE #92 e/s
BFTE Rome mineral shadow
MAC White Frost e/s
MAC Minted eye kohl
BFTE Whisper mineral shadow
MAC Mystery eye kohl
MAC Penutimate liquid liner
Bliss #600 eyelashes
MAC Not So Innocent lipstick
MAC Viva Glam VI Special Edition lipglass
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Upcoming videos; opinions/ideas please! =)
Hey guys! How are you all doing? I hope your Valentine's Day is going great... as for me, well-- you can see that I am blogging... sooo yeah. haha. ;)
Anyway, I'm trying to think of ideas for new videos, SOOOO if any of you have something you think I could pull inspiration from for looks, shoot me a comment with a link to a pictures, or just tell me your ideas!
I'm especially looking for inspiration for nail art, if you know of any places that has awesome nail are designs, show me! Sometimes it's easier for me to try to recreate things rather than just thinking them up myself.
I'm debating on whether uploading videos about hauls or just writing about them on here. What do you guys think? I guess maybe I could show things that I got, then write in detail about them on here for a review and what not?
Sooo these are potential ideas I wanna do/interested in doing for videos (besides doing the regular makeup tutorials)...
- more nail tuts
- talk about asian eyes; illusion of a bigger crease/eyefold
- something with skin, products I like right now? I dunno
- reviews
- hauls (this could probably go under the haul category)
Hmm... this post was just a ramble type blog... hahah sorry.
So everyone reading out there.... please give some input if you can! Links, suggestions, (the more specific, the better ;D), whatever's on your mind.. even if it is just to say hi!
BTW, just to let you guys know, I read all the comments (even though I don't always reply back)!! I HATE that blogspot doesn't notify whoever I reply to (unless you manually click notify me of future comments or w/e it says). I kinda don't like clicking the notify thing b/c then you get everyone else's comment sent to you, but then what if they reply to you? hahah.
QUESTION: Do you guys click the notify option (to know when someone comments after you), or do you just manually check back later?
Okay, I think that's it for this entry. Hope you guys are having a great weekend, love you all!
xoxo /suzy
Anyway, I'm trying to think of ideas for new videos, SOOOO if any of you have something you think I could pull inspiration from for looks, shoot me a comment with a link to a pictures, or just tell me your ideas!
I'm especially looking for inspiration for nail art, if you know of any places that has awesome nail are designs, show me! Sometimes it's easier for me to try to recreate things rather than just thinking them up myself.
I'm debating on whether uploading videos about hauls or just writing about them on here. What do you guys think? I guess maybe I could show things that I got, then write in detail about them on here for a review and what not?
Sooo these are potential ideas I wanna do/interested in doing for videos (besides doing the regular makeup tutorials)...
- more nail tuts
- talk about asian eyes; illusion of a bigger crease/eyefold
- something with skin, products I like right now? I dunno
- reviews
- hauls (this could probably go under the haul category)
Hmm... this post was just a ramble type blog... hahah sorry.
So everyone reading out there.... please give some input if you can! Links, suggestions, (the more specific, the better ;D), whatever's on your mind.. even if it is just to say hi!
BTW, just to let you guys know, I read all the comments (even though I don't always reply back)!! I HATE that blogspot doesn't notify whoever I reply to (unless you manually click notify me of future comments or w/e it says). I kinda don't like clicking the notify thing b/c then you get everyone else's comment sent to you, but then what if they reply to you? hahah.
QUESTION: Do you guys click the notify option (to know when someone comments after you), or do you just manually check back later?
Okay, I think that's it for this entry. Hope you guys are having a great weekend, love you all!
xoxo /suzy
Friday, February 13, 2009
Bright Yellow Glitter party makeup. (contest entry)
This was for Pixiwoo's contest. Cross your fingers for me guys! ;D

& here is my video entry!
CS White gel liner (a little on the lid as a base)
MAC Chrome Yellow e/s
MAC Crystallized Yellow glitter (PRO)
MAC Golden Lemon pigment
MAC Daisychain e/s
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
MAC Magenta lip liner
MAC Rockin' Chick lipstick
Bliss eyelashes #138
xoxo / suzy
Monday, February 9, 2009
New video: My MAC/makeup collection
Hey guys!! So I finally recorded a video (or videos should I say, I couldn't fit it all in one lol) of my makeup collection! I was never intending to ever do one of these, but Javy suggested I do one (her and Brooke love looking at makeup p0rn lol). I have been planning on having a sale for awhile now (all talk, no action), so I ended up doing the video since a lot of it was going to be put on sale.
If any of you are interested in the sale, you can go ahead and email me like I say in the 2nd video (just so I could have your email address, I don't know details for the sale yet-- but will message you back as soon as I do.) I will be posting a link/announcing the sale on here also, so you don't have to email me if you don't want to! If you want to email me, just email macNC40@gmail.com with the subject "MAKEUP SALE"
If anyone has TWITTER, & isn't following me already, I suggest you do. http://www.twitter.com/macNC40 I'm sure they'll be having access first just because the real time of it is so instantaneous.
Well onto the two videos!
'Til next time guys! (=
xoxo / suzy
If any of you are interested in the sale, you can go ahead and email me like I say in the 2nd video (just so I could have your email address, I don't know details for the sale yet-- but will message you back as soon as I do.) I will be posting a link/announcing the sale on here also, so you don't have to email me if you don't want to! If you want to email me, just email macNC40@gmail.com with the subject "MAKEUP SALE"
If anyone has TWITTER, & isn't following me already, I suggest you do. http://www.twitter.com/macNC40 I'm sure they'll be having access first just because the real time of it is so instantaneous.
Well onto the two videos!
'Til next time guys! (=
xoxo / suzy
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tutorial: Smokey Valentine's Look (Kim Kardashian inspired) makeup tutorial
Hey guys! As promised here is the smokey tutorial I said I would do for Valentine's Day (inspired by this Kim Kardashian picture (also shown below).
Her makeup was done by the talented Troy Jensen. He is truly talented & one of my inspirations for doing makeup!! I love everything he does-- I'm ALWAYS on his blog! ;D Check it out at http://troyjensenonline.blogspot.com
And here are mineeeee!

MAC Quite Natural paint pot
MAC Mulch e/s
MAC Carbon e/s
MAC Type Blanc e/s
MAC Your Ladyship pigment
Jordana "Black" creme e/s pencil
Red Cherry Lashes #47
MAC Harmony blush
MAC Gold Deposit msf
MAC Golden Primpin blush duo (only the gold side. dupe=MAC's Trace Gold)
MAC Subculture lip pencil
MAC Bare slimshine
MAC Baby Sparks dazzleglass
Her makeup was done by the talented Troy Jensen. He is truly talented & one of my inspirations for doing makeup!! I love everything he does-- I'm ALWAYS on his blog! ;D Check it out at http://troyjensenonline.blogspot.com
And here are mineeeee!

MAC Quite Natural paint pot
MAC Mulch e/s
MAC Carbon e/s
MAC Type Blanc e/s
MAC Your Ladyship pigment
Jordana "Black" creme e/s pencil
Red Cherry Lashes #47
MAC Harmony blush
MAC Gold Deposit msf
MAC Golden Primpin blush duo (only the gold side. dupe=MAC's Trace Gold)
MAC Subculture lip pencil
MAC Bare slimshine
MAC Baby Sparks dazzleglass
celebrity inspired,
look: black,
makeup tutorial,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Eyelashes Haul, FOTD, & Future Haul: MUFE HD Foundation
Hey guys! So today I went lash crazy & bought a grip of lashes at a store in my city... I'm too lazy to take a nice picture with my camera... (lol sorry) so here is the picture I tweeted via my cellphone in the car lol.
Talk about a supa supa lash haul! haha... I got 10 total.
After that, I headed over to Sephora because one of my friends Javy (check out her beauty blog, she posts swatches, reviews, etc etc) bought the wrong MUFE shade... and so I wanted to see what shade I was, so I could just buy it off her. Unfortunately the shade was waay too dark for me (the shade she was gonna sell me was #153.) The good thing is... or well, this actually is bad (for my wallet that is lol), I am STILL debating on getting MUFE HD foundation! I'm thinking about forking over the 40 dolla dolla billz for it because I like how it went on. Very light feeling indeed! My closest matches were #127 & #140... I ended up deciding that #127 is the match for me. =D
FYI: I started writing this blog hours ago... and after talking to Josh & Leesha about it again... I'm definitely going to use my Sephora giftcards towards the foundation. Josh (and now Javy too) really made me want to get the primer also... BUTTTT! I'm just gonna hold out on that because 1) I don't really need it & 2) I have 3 other primers I haven't even finished. lol I really REALLY need to have a sale because I have SOOOOO much MAC that I don't ever touch! It's pretty ridiculous. lol
Gosh I went to bed w/o publishing this. haha. Anyway, on to the look I had on (only the eyes cuz the pictures of my whole face came out blahzay. =P)
Talk about a supa supa lash haul! haha... I got 10 total.
After that, I headed over to Sephora because one of my friends Javy (check out her beauty blog, she posts swatches, reviews, etc etc) bought the wrong MUFE shade... and so I wanted to see what shade I was, so I could just buy it off her. Unfortunately the shade was waay too dark for me (the shade she was gonna sell me was #153.) The good thing is... or well, this actually is bad (for my wallet that is lol), I am STILL debating on getting MUFE HD foundation! I'm thinking about forking over the 40 dolla dolla billz for it because I like how it went on. Very light feeling indeed! My closest matches were #127 & #140... I ended up deciding that #127 is the match for me. =D
FYI: I started writing this blog hours ago... and after talking to Josh & Leesha about it again... I'm definitely going to use my Sephora giftcards towards the foundation. Josh (and now Javy too) really made me want to get the primer also... BUTTTT! I'm just gonna hold out on that because 1) I don't really need it & 2) I have 3 other primers I haven't even finished. lol I really REALLY need to have a sale because I have SOOOOO much MAC that I don't ever touch! It's pretty ridiculous. lol
Gosh I went to bed w/o publishing this. haha. Anyway, on to the look I had on (only the eyes cuz the pictures of my whole face came out blahzay. =P)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Swatches: Beauty From The Earth (BFTE)
Hey guys! I'm here with Beauty From The Earth swatches finally! I apologize for super lagging it... I know I kept saying I'd do swatches soon after I posted my first entry about them.
These were again taken with flash, on a lighter base, and were also applied with a MAC 288 brush. These pictures don't really do the colors justice (same with my Kryolan skin swatches.)
Important notes: For these BFTE products, please also refer to my last post here so you can see how they look in the jar. For some reason, some of the colors seem a bit off.
ISIS doesn't show off as red as it really is... you can see how it really looks in the post here where I use it as my lid color.
CHOCOLATE is another one that came out kinda different too.. for some reason it's showing up with a purple tinge in the picture.. just know it doesn't look like that in person.. it looks like... well, chocolate. haha.
WHISPER is a duochrome so it was hard to try to capture the violet reflect... so just picture more pretty violet-ness in that one. =)
These were again taken with flash, on a lighter base, and were also applied with a MAC 288 brush. These pictures don't really do the colors justice (same with my Kryolan skin swatches.)
Important notes: For these BFTE products, please also refer to my last post here so you can see how they look in the jar. For some reason, some of the colors seem a bit off.
ISIS doesn't show off as red as it really is... you can see how it really looks in the post here where I use it as my lid color.
CHOCOLATE is another one that came out kinda different too.. for some reason it's showing up with a purple tinge in the picture.. just know it doesn't look like that in person.. it looks like... well, chocolate. haha.
WHISPER is a duochrome so it was hard to try to capture the violet reflect... so just picture more pretty violet-ness in that one. =)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tutorial: Fun Valentine's Pink & Blue look.
So I decided I was going to do two Valentine's Day looks. One light & simple one... and one super smokey 'oo la la' one. lol.
I used MAC, Kryolan (http://www.shrinkle.com/ebay), & Beauty From The Earth (http://www.BeautyFromTheEarth.com) products.
On to the pictures:
I used MAC, Kryolan (http://www.shrinkle.com/ebay), & Beauty From The Earth (http://www.BeautyFromTheEarth.com) products.
On to the pictures:
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